Monday, January 24, 2011

A resolution is more than just a blog entry...


1. a formal expression of opinion or intention made, usually after voting, by a formal organization, a legislature, a club, or other group. 
2. a resolve or determination: to make a firm resolution to do something.
 the act of resolving or determining upon an action or course of action, method, procedure, etc. 

Resolutions aren't just a list you made one day or a post-it note you stuck to your refrigerator. Resolutions are a committment to a course of action. If your resolution is to get in better shape, be more active in your community, or be a part of something bigger than just one person, consider joining Team Challenge Illinois and we'll help you stick to your 2011 resolutions.

We'll provide you with coaching, training in the Chicago and Chicagoland area, a personalized training program, expert advice, and tools to fundraise for the 
Crohn's and Colitis Foundaiton, plus much more. Our first half marathon this year is located in one of the most beautiful destinations in the country: Napa Valley and Sonoma County, California. Attend one of our information meetings in March to find out how we can help you complete a half marathon by July 17, 2011.

Reserve your spot now for an informational meeting:

  1. 11:00am  Sat. March 5th Fleet Feet Sports (1620 N. Wells St. Pipers Alley, Chicago, IL) 

  2. 6:00 pm Thurs. March 10th REI Outfitters (1466 N. Halsted., Chicago, IL) 

  3. 6:30 pm Mon. March 14thWhole Foods Naperville (2607 W. 75th St. Naperville, IL) 

  4. 6:00 pm Wed. March 16th REI Outfitters (1209 E. Golf Rd., Schaumburg, IL) 

  5. 11:00 am Sat. March 26th Fleet Feet Sports(4762 N. Lincoln Ave., Chicago, IL)

Click here to learn more about Team Challenge Illinois and RSVP to an information meeting. Or, email Junnie Cross, Endurance Manager at and set up a personal appointment to discuss what Team Challenge can do for you!

You CAN complete a half marathon and make a difference in someone's life. You CAN begin the journey of a lifetime with Team Challenge Illinois. 

We got a billboard, y'all!

Have you been to the corner of Webster and North Clybourn lately? If not, the next time your there, look up and you'll see the Team Challenge billboard!

We're so excited to have our new billboard up that we are offering any person who takes a picture of the billboard AND registers for the Napa to Sonoma County Half Marathon with Team Illinois a FREE Team Challenge Sweatshirt!

View Larger Map

Send the picture to and register for the the Napa to Sonoma Half Marathon today!

Monday, January 10, 2011 3 Ways to Stick to Your Running Resolution written by Patrick McCrann

This is a great article on written by Patrick McCrann from Marathon Nation offering tips for sticking to your running resolutions in 2011,

Some of our favorite parts:
  1. "You're already awesome" Thanks, Patrick! McCrann says that just being a runner puts you into a very elite category. Just by having a passion for your physical fitness places you at the top 1% of the population healthwise.
  2. "All big changes start small"
  3. "Stop dreaming, start cloud seeding"
  4. "Get Accountable"-i.e. tell your friends and family about your goals. Use Facebook and Twitter to keep them updated on your progress.

How joining Team Illinois can help you stick to Patrick's reccomendations:
Team Illinois will give you experienced coaches, mentors, and a team atmosphere for your long run every Saturday during our 16 week training program. Our mentors will keep you motivated by checking in with you every week or running with you to help you stick to your program. We also provide a free website to help you fundraise and share with the your friends and family your progress so you feel like you will be held accountable for your progress every step of th way.

Visit the Team Illinois homepage here to RSVP for a informational meeting today and get the wheels in motion for your new year's resolution to be a healthier happier you!

Click here for the full article on

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Check out this great article about winter running tips from

Some of the suggestions include:
  • Running with a buddy
  • Dress for 15 to 20 degrees warmer
  • Hit the treadmill
  • Hydrate
Check out the full article here!