Monday, January 10, 2011 3 Ways to Stick to Your Running Resolution written by Patrick McCrann

This is a great article on written by Patrick McCrann from Marathon Nation offering tips for sticking to your running resolutions in 2011,

Some of our favorite parts:
  1. "You're already awesome" Thanks, Patrick! McCrann says that just being a runner puts you into a very elite category. Just by having a passion for your physical fitness places you at the top 1% of the population healthwise.
  2. "All big changes start small"
  3. "Stop dreaming, start cloud seeding"
  4. "Get Accountable"-i.e. tell your friends and family about your goals. Use Facebook and Twitter to keep them updated on your progress.

How joining Team Illinois can help you stick to Patrick's reccomendations:
Team Illinois will give you experienced coaches, mentors, and a team atmosphere for your long run every Saturday during our 16 week training program. Our mentors will keep you motivated by checking in with you every week or running with you to help you stick to your program. We also provide a free website to help you fundraise and share with the your friends and family your progress so you feel like you will be held accountable for your progress every step of th way.

Visit the Team Illinois homepage here to RSVP for a informational meeting today and get the wheels in motion for your new year's resolution to be a healthier happier you!

Click here for the full article on

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