Happy Wednesday! You are now in week two of your training; if you have any questions regarding your training schedule, please contact either Coach Brad or Coach Stacey. We were pleased to see many of you out at training on Saturday, and we are hoping that everyone is able to come out this coming Saturday. We will be meeting in the same spot at Montrose Harbor, after working out the glitches, hopefully it will be smooth sailing. We would like to take this opportunity to go over a few things that you should expect or do for your longer trainings on Saturdays.
1. How should you dress? The rule of thumb is that you should dress like it is 10-15 degrees warmer then it really is outside. If you step outside and you are comfortable, you are OVER dressed, and will quickly want to peel off clothing. If you are freezing, then you have UNDER dressed and should add a layer. If you are chilled, you are dress just right. Also if you are worried, dress in layers so that as you warm up you can peel off layers. Right now because of the craziness of the weather, bringing a windbreaker is not a bad idea because after you have warmed up than you can take it off and tie it around your waist.
2. Hydration Systems-Take sometime this week before training to find a hydration system that you think will work for you and bring it with you to training on Saturday so that you can start to get used to it. You may find that it does not work for you, so keep the receipt so that you can take it back. You may have to try several before you find one that will work for you. It may work when the mileage is low, but once it gets higher it is uncomfortable; that is another thing to think about.
3. Body Glide, Runner’s Lube, Diaper Rash ointment, Foot powder, oh my! Though the milage is still low, at some point you are going to want to start using these items. Once the weather gets warmer and the mileage ramps up you may start to notice chaffing. For women it will be where you bra rests, for men it will be your nipples, but for everyone, it may happen under your arms where the arms cut out, in between your butt cheeks, and if you wear a i-pod around your arm, it could happen there too. It happens when you are constantly rubbing in the same area. Body Glide or Runner’s Lube will help with this. I personally like Runner’s Lube, but Body Glide is readily available, where as I have to order Runner’s Lube online. Again, it is going to come down to what works for you. Really, diaper rash ointment? Yep! As the weather gets warmer and the level of sweating that you are doing goes up, and the wet shorts stay in contact with your butt you will get diaper rash. There are several one’s out there, again the one that I have found that works well for me is Burt’s Bee Diaper Rash Ointment, but there are others out there, and one (though, I cannot remember the name of it) goes on clear. Now, about foot powder, this will help with blister prevention; you want to use the Body Glide or Runner’s Lube all over you feet, in between your toes, around the heel, on the top of your toes, and then you want to put foot powder in your shoes. Not a lot, but a nice sprinkling. This will absorb the moisture, the lube will allow your foot to move without chaffing (hence, one cause of blistering). Many of the powders with have some kind of menthol which is also cooling to your feet. So start experimenting with these items to find out what ones work for you.
4. Path Etiquette-This is something that we as coaches take very seriously. There have been times when individuals from other training group are out and they are 4 or 5 abreast taking up the whole path, making it difficult to pass or get around them. A person calls the office to complain, and it makes all charity groups look back, so please take this serious. Only run, run/walk, walk two (2) abreast, no more. If you need to stop, go off the path before you stop, and if you are transitioning between running and walking make sure that you glance behind you to make sure that no one is right on your back, if they are, go to the side and let them pass and continue with your intervals. If you choose to run with an i-pod or any other mp-3 player, please only use one earphone; this is so that you can remain aware of what is going on around you. As the weather gets warmer more bikers, strollers and roller bladers will be out, and you want to make sure that you can hear them when they are behind you. I have seen my share of bike/runner crashes, and we do not want any with our participants, so please make sure that you can hear what is going on around you.
5. Bring a towel, change of clothing and a pair of sandals. Again, this will apply more when the mileage is higher, but starting now so that you get used to it is always a good game plan. You are going to want to dry off, and change if you are able, but you are really going to want to get out of your shoes and into something else, and sandals are great. There is a bathroom across from where we will be at the Lakefront, but be aware that it does not open until 1.May.
6. Pedicures-This is something that I recommend that everyone do throughout their training. It will help to keep the calluses from building up, keeping your toenails nice and short, and a good massage, you can never go wrong with that. Do not let them use a credo blade (straight razor) on your feet, if they want to use one, ask that they use a foot file instead. FYI, beauty schools do pedicure fairly inexpensively, so it is a good way to go.
Remember to eat and hydrate well, sleep well, and follow your training schedule. But most important--COME TO SATURDAY TRAININGS! This will make all the difference in your experience not only with Team Illinois, but with the half marathon as well. As always, if you have any questions please feel free to contact one of your coaches.
“Feel the fear and do it anyways!”
Coach Stacey
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